The Life of the Spirit

by T. Austin-Sparks

Date messages given unknown. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

Why is the Christian life so complicated for so many? Simply because we are all the time trying to interpret God according to our own thoughts, to bring God down to our own judgment and make Him conform to our mentality. We find that it does not work. We cannot get on that way at all and God does not come down there. Something has to happen to turn us inside out and make us altogether new and different, and that is Christ. The resources of the Christian life are different, just as the ideas and thoughts of God are different in essence from ours, and we shall be constantly coming up against that difference, that God thinks differently, although our thinking may be very devout and religious thinking…. We must give our ear wholly and continually to what the Spirit is saying, to the whisperings and urgings of the Holy Spirit, the influence of the Spirit in us and over us in an inward way.

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