The Law of the Spirit of Life

by T. Austin-Sparks

Conference messages given in May, 1947. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is an inward thing, an inward matter, an experience of the Spirit which is essentially a matter of Life, and Life is not on the circumference of the person, but at his very heart. The manifestation of Life is on the circumference, but the root is within. Now, here we trust the Lord may help us because there are so many misconceptions about the Holy Spirit. That which is essential, not only to our full salvation, but to the attaining of the full purpose of our salvation, is not merely some outward power, energy or ability that the Spirit may place upon us or commit to us, but is a matter of obedience deep in the centre of our being. It is a new Life which is different from ours: His Life, throne Life, kingdom Life.

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