All Things in Christ

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in A Witness and A Testimony magazines, 1937-1939, Vol. 15-3 - 17-5 with the title "All Things in Christ". Published as a book by Witness & Testimony Publishers in 1939 with the title: "The Stewardship of the Mystery - Volume 1 - All Things in Christ" followed by "The Stewardship of the Mystery Volume 2 - The Mystery". A second edition was published with the title "The Stewardship of the Mystery - Volume 1" in 1964.

Why is it that what professes to be of Christ, but in reality is not, breaks down, continually breaks down all the way through history? Simply because it is something assuming the place of Christ, which is not of Christ. Failure is written upon it from the beginning. Everything that is not of Christ is going to break down; and it does break down. Though a thing may begin with Christ and evidence a measure of Christ, immediately it moves beyond the range of Christ and becomes of man, its end is in view. Leaving the whole of this broken-down state in the creation, you can see the creating of ages in Christ, by Christ, through Christ, according to God's eternal purpose that all things should be summed up in Him; not just the "all things" of our little life, of our little day, of our individual salvation, but the "all things" of a vast universe as a revelation of Christ, all being brought by revelation to the spiritual apprehension of man, and man being brought into it. What a Christ!

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